Tuesday 26 June 2018

My Avatar:

This task is called ' All about Me ' This avatar represents me, for example my favourite colours and hobbies. Please leave some feedback and comments about my learning!

Me Recipe:


  • 4 cups of FRIENDSHIP
  • 7 grams of CREATIVITY
  • 28 tablespoons of CONFIDENCE
  • 5 cups of RESPONSIBILITY
  • ⅓ of a  teaspoon of TEAMWORK
  • 2 cups of RESPECT
  • ½ a cup of EDITING
  • 11 ounces of HONESTY
My aim is to share a recipe about how I can improve in my learning. By making a
delicious, cheesy cheeseburger

  • 2 Large Bowls
  • A plate to serve on
  • A pan big enough for a meat pattie


  1. Turn your stove on and get your pan ready, then add your oil into the pan
  2. Add 4 cups of FRIENDSHIP, 2 cups of RESPECT to your large bowl
  3. Add to another large bowl 28 tablespoons of CONFIDENCE
  4. Then Add 5 cups of RESPONSIBILITY and ⅓ of a  teaspoon of TEAMWORK
  5. Mix both mixtures together, afterwards add ½  a cup of EDITING
  6. Afterwards mold everything into a meat patty, and cook in the pan
  7. To create your bread buns add 11 ounces of HONESTY
  8. Also add 7 grams of CREATIVITY to your bread
  9. Then serve your cheeseburger on your plate with a great, big smile!